To gain control of the target device's camera and microphone, download the mLite application on both your device and the target phone.
Note: Hidden camera and microphone features are available only for Android phones (both parental and target).
Follow the Google Play link for Android to install mLIte:
— mLite for Android:
Step 1. Setting up mLite on the parental device
Install the mLite application on the parental phone:
1. Open mLite on the parental device and tap Existing user in the upper left corner.
2. Select Parent, tap Log In under the Sign Up buttons, and enter your mSpy credentials to log in.
3. To add a device to monitor, tap + in the upper right corner and choose Yes to confirm access to the target device.
To finalize the installation, enter the code displayed at the center of the screen on the target device or scan the QR code using the camera on the target device.
Step 2. Setting up mLite on the target device
Install the mLite application on the target phone and connect it to the parental device:
1. Open the application on the target phone. Allow mLite to send notifications.
2. Tap Existing user in the upper left corner and select Child.
3. Tap Allow access to the microphone While using the app.
4. Allow access to Precise location tracking While using the app.
5. Allow access to contacts to get the contacts list.
6. Allow access to applications installed on the device. Find the mLite name in the Usage data access section list and turn on the toggle. Go back using the arrow button in the upper left corner.
7. Allow access to live camera While using the app.
8. Allow access to Messengers. Tap Grant > find Accessibility service in the Accessibility section > turn on Use Accessibility service > Allow. Go back using the arrow button in the upper left corner.
9. Go back to mLite and Scan QR code or Enter text code by the parental device to complete integration. Сhoose one of the options and generate the code by tapping the appropriate button.
10. Once you complete the integration and link the target device successfully, you will see the congratulatory pop-up message.
Step 3. How to use
After the installation is finished, you'll find the SOS button on the target device. The owner of the target device can tap it whenever they feel unsafe and wish to alert you.
On the parental device, launch mLite, tap the three lines button in bottom right corner to open the Device list, and choose Mobile #0 with the linked target device. Inside the dashboard, you'll discover a range of mLite features at your fingertips, including remote listening and recording capabilities.
When activating any feature for the first time, mLite will prompt you to confirm your identity as the parent of the target device owner. Simply enter your email address and verify your identity by inputting the code sent to your email.
When activating the Surroundings Recording feature, tap I confirm to confirm your consent for transmitting the audio contents of the child's phone to your device.
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