On macOS 14 Sonoma
Downloading TeamViewer:
- Open your web browser and navigate to the TeamViewer website.
- Choose the "Full Client" option.
- Locate the installation file in the downloads section.
- Double-click on the installer file.
- Click "Install" twice.
- Click "Open" when prompted.
- Accept and continue through the installation process.
- Enter your password when prompted.
- Congratulations! You have successfully installed TeamViewer.
Granting Permissions:
- In the upper left corner, click on "Help."
- Select "Check System Preferences."
- Click on the first option.
- Open "System Settings."
- Enable TeamViewer.
- Enter your password.
- Click on "Later"
- You'll see a window where you need to grant all permissions. TeamViewer might not immediately appear on the full disk, so click on the "+" in the lower-left corner.
Click on "Applications" and select TeamViewer. Allow the third permission in the same way.
- That's it! You've granted the necessary permissions for TeamViewer.
On MacOS 13 and lower
1. Open the TeamViewer app.
2. Go to the Menu bar > "Help" > "Check system access".
3. Give permissions for all the settings that are "Denied" one by one.
4. You can check the example below to see what it means.
5. After that, the “Security & Privacy” window will pop up. Make sure you have the “Screen Recording” setting open.
6. Click on the lock icon in the bottom-left corner.
7. You may be prompted to enter the admin password. Enter it and press "Unlock".
8. Tick the checkbox for TeamViewer.
9. If a pop-up appears, press "Later".
10. Go back to the "Review System Access Page". Now the "Screen Recording" setting is green ("Allowed").
11. You need to repeat the same process for other "Denied" settings. Once every setting is "Allowed", quit TeamViewer and open it again to apply the changes.
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